Money and Debt Training


This course is suitable for:

Advisors/Student Advisors. It can also be beneficial for reception staff to help them understand more about the general process that clients/service users may experience.
This course is accredited by the Money and Pensions Service.

Learning Objectives:

Over the two sessions, you will look at:

  • What is debt and why do people get into debt?

  • The money advice process: initial ground rules and collecting information

  • How a client may feel about their situation

  • Recognise an emergency situation and advise clients on what emergency action can be taken

  • Recognising the difference between priority, non-priority and “square peg” debts

  • Identify key issues affecting liability for debt

  • Advise a client on how to maximise their income

  • An overview of a standard financial statement

  • Negotiating with priority creditors

  • Calculating clients’ pro-rata offers to non-priority creditors

  • Other options and strategies for dealing with debt

The next courses will take place on the following dates:

Course 4: 12th & 19th October 2022, to register please click here

If you are interested in taking part in this course, please email Mariam at